Deposition Certification Course
We provide all the tools for your client to be capable of telling their story, the facts, through their own words like paint on a blank canvas. Their knowing the reason and purpose of why they are being deposed will put them one thought ahead of even the savviest litigators.
With GET DEPOSED™, your client will become a fierce deponent. Positioning the facts for a favorable ruling.
GET DEPOSED™ certified deponents have the knowledge and confidence to secure a win for themselves and your firm.
Law Firms
Free up more than 10 hours of billable time on each and every litigation case. Security in knowing the Firm’s clients are fully prepared for their depositions. Five courses consisting of outlines, text and videos. Exam immediately following each course. Passing grade of 80% required before advancing to next course level.
Simply provide your clients access to become knowledgeable of the complete discovery process from reading a pleading to dispositive motions. Review in Realtime exactly where they are in the program, exams missed and contemporaneous client’s notes.
Businesses & Individuals
Businesses and individuals not represented by an attorney. Join the certification program and educate your employees or yourself on the significance, scope and purpose of a deposition without the costs of hiring an attorney.
Receive invite from attorneys. Login and begin. Eliminate the fear of the process and the unknown. Upon completion of the program you will be Get Deposed ™ Certified with the confidence that you are emotionally, intellectually and physically prepared for your deposition.
Comprehensive Course Study For Your Client’s Complete Understanding Of Their Deposition
With GET DEPOSED™, your client will be emotionally, intellectually and physically prepared to sit in that hot seat the day of their deposition.
Get Access for your Deponents Today
And save your Law Firm valuable time and money!
The most critical point of litigating a successful case is your client’s deposition. Don’t be powerless with a poorly prepped deponent.
Give your client the tools to Become a Fierce Deponent!